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Kenwood Park Disc Golf Course Matchup

Course Description:
Dirt tee boxes, par 3 course. baskets are chainstar mach I. tight fairways and lots of trees make this par three a challenge.

Course Location:
from US 131, take downtown exit, follow the lake around to kenwood park.

Score Manger

Back to Kenwood Park Scores

PlayerPlayDateTotalScoreHandicap Score4 Round
Handicap Score
10 Round
Handicap Score
gunshippolitico5/20/2005584000 333333353333524333
seeder5/20/20056713-14-14-14Sample Data...533532542624364226
seeder5/20/20058430-4-4-4Sample Data...533532542624364226
seeder5/20/20059238000Sample Data...556455656466464645