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Young Park Disc Golf Scores

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Course Description:
Young Park was designed to give Kansas City a very technical control course among its fantastic more open courses. The course is heavily wooded and was carefully carved out during installation and designed to be a Blue Level course. The course also has good elevation changes throughout and many baskets are placed on elevation changes as well. Holes vary in length from 160 to 430 feet. Most holes are heavily wooded with 3 to 4 holes being more open, while other holes have varying degrees of thick foliage in different parts of the hole. Players must demonstrate shot control, shot placement, and are forced to execute certain shots on some holes. Several tee shots offer players different routes to choose from, while some tees offer serious risk reward routes, and other tees force players to execute a certain shot. The course is balanced offering tee shots to left, right, and straight. There are tee shots uphill, downhill, flat, and over or near water. This course is the only one in the KC that offers two concrete tee pads per hole. The alternative pads are extremely short on certain holes and generally short at the request of the parks department. The alternative pads are perfect for first timers or children. The course also boast 19 Mach V powder coated Orange Blaze baskets making them highly visible in the woods. The tee signs have a colored tab that notifies players the location of the baskets by matching the tab color to the tee sign basket locations.

Course Location:State: MO
From I-70 Turn south on adams dairy parkway, Go about 3 or 4 miles On adams dairy parkway, It is on the east side of adams dairy parkway, Right next to Blue Spings South high school.

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PlayerDateTotalScoreAverage4 Round Avg10 Round AvgCommentsHole 1Hole 2Hole 3Hole 4Hole 5Hole 6Hole 7Hole 8Hole 9Hole 10Hole 11Hole 12Hole 13Hole 14Hole 15Hole 16Hole 17Hole 18
pwtool2/21/20126410646464 344433433544343334
seeder10/28/2011701680.66780.66780.667Sample Data...533653535343452362
seeder10/28/20117723868686Sample Data...533653535343452362
seeder10/28/20119541959595Sample Data...566566544466655565